June 2021

Fixed Vs. Growth Mindset – power up your innovation potential to outsmart the hare as the tortoise did

Do you remember the famous fable of “The Hare and the Tortoise” [1]? How the hare, being naturally born faster, lost a won battle from the tortoise and set an example for the world to make conflicting interpretations? As children, “The Tortoise and the Hare” fable has always been one of my favorites. But there is still a lesson in that story that I didn’t grasp completely, or maybe I did—the prominent portrayal of the growth mindset. If the tortoise were anywhere like most of us, he would have instantly thought, “I’m too slow to win the race with the

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How a business model evolves while harnessing the power of disruptive innovation? Eight examples that will inspire you

That evening of 2007 autumn, I was digging into Chris Anderson’s book “Free” [97], searching for inspiration to support a new business model proposal. We were launching a novel offer, and it was required to revamp our original model. So, I was going to present to the innovation board a “freemium model,” which was a disruptive approach at that time for a very traditional company. After almost 12 years, I faced the same challenge while proposing a customer move on from their initial one-set-up-fee model to a subscription model. It took me three months to convince him. I was lucky enough

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