11 Sources of Disruption - WorkBook
This workbook will guide you to define the new disruptive forces for your business and learn to prepare your strategy for the future.
Many companies get affected by change. In some cases, top executives don’t see this coming because they had established a system that monitors and measures the known risks. Analyzing new disruptive forces in advance is rare in most of the companies.
We heard that many experts predicted the pandemic, yet no-one planned a proactive strategy. Very few companies saw a pandemic as a serious threat before the COVID-19.
On the top, we have several enormous challenges in the planet’s history right now. Is your company ready for climate change or geopolitical revolution? Are you ready for more than 50% reduction in tourists and travels? Are you up with a full action plan for the disruption sources in your sector?
Amy Webb, a renowned futurist, calls these external factors weak signals. She recommends coming up with a powerful framework to identify the potential in the future. The bigger disruption means a bigger change.
Learn more 11 external factors to prepare for the unexpected future
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