
Why All The Innovation Fuss About Ideas. Innovation Requires Much More Than That

While some make no distinction between good ideas and innovation, there are several pit stops in an entrepreneurship journey. Global and local markets are becoming highly saturated and volatile. This increased competition and changes in consumer behavior have pushed businesses to innovate within their realm. Yet, when talking about finding ways to make a difference, most companies believe that the answer to innovation lies in brainstorming more ideas. According to the Massachusetts Institute Technology experts, innovation can be defined as the “process of taking an idea from inception impact.” While simplistic, this definition truly captures the gist of innovation and helps differentiate

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Out of ideas? 3 Proven Tips To Unleash Your Creativity To The Next Level

It was a dusky afternoon. I was having a coffee with my friend, and we were discussing my next innovation project. The challenge was how we could improve the in-store user experience by connecting online and offline worlds. It was 2007, and at that time, Amazon Go was nowhere on the map. I was excited to share what was on my mind — the Amazon-like experience of combining physical and digital elements to enhance user experience phenomenally by using smartphones. I rambled on with the details, describing some loose ends and unrealistic goals with the project that our team had thought

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